
Find your new favorite spot

Ever want to have a great night out but just don’t even know where to start or what is out there? Hopefully I can help! I have a list of places I’ve been and a few stories about some of them. Feel free to go off-menu so to say and adventure on your own! However, I’ve been all over and can hopefully help you pick a spot to make a memory.


Get to know metro Detroit… At least the bars!

There are so many places to choose from, to the point I know a lot of people that end up going to the same place because they’re overwhelmed. I’ve put this list together to help you try something new and have a starting point to make the decision for your friends that can’t make up their mind. In Detroit there’s a bar for every taste, you just have to know where to look!

Read some stories »

Tell me about your experiences!

Ok, so listen. I put a lot of work making this thing and would LOVE nothing more than hearing about how you use it! I want to know what was helpful to you and what made you choose a specific spot based on what you saw here. I also want to be able to give you as much information as you want to know about a place, so if you feel like there was something missing that you wish you would have known, please tell me!

Let me know »